Wednesday 29 April 2015

terribly horrible no good very bad day

I woke up with a spider in my mouth and then i tripped on my pile of washing and fell down the stairs and and when i went to get my cereal there's nothing but toast and peanut butter and I HATE PEANUT BUTTER! i could tell it was going to be a terrible horrible no good very bad day. My mum and dad left to go to work and it was raining and i had to walk to school and i forgot my rain jacket and got wet and i had to sit on newspaper for the rest of the day i could tell it was going to be a terrible horrible no good very bad day. when it was maths time and Mr wood started to talk about work and I HATE WORK and he said what we had to do and i fell asleep and had to go to the principal's office and i had to think of an excuse but it made it worse i could tell it was going to be a terrible horrible no good very bad day. when school was finished i had to wait 15 minutes longer because i ACCIDENTALLY pushed Zane over but it wasn't my fault and then i walked home, IN THE RAIN!!! AND I GOT REALLY WET, AGAIN! and then i got in trouble for being late home but i wanted to tell her but i didn't want to get in trouble so i just sucked it up and went to my room i could tell it was a going to be a terrible horrible no good very bad day. then i went to get afternoon tea and all we had was mushrooms AND I REALLY REALLY HATE MUSHROOMS, THIS WAS A terrible horrible no good very bad day. at tea time mum said we were going to a restaurant BUT WE HAD MUSHROOM SOUP AND I REALLY REALLY HATE mushroom soup IT WAS A TERRIBLE HORRIBLE NO GOOD VERY BAD DAY! after tea i went to play on my iPad but it was dead and then i went to play on the computer but i wasn't aloud and when i went to get ice cream WE HAD NONE LEFT!!! THIS WAS A TERRIBLE HORRIBLE NO GOOD VERY BAD DAY. Then i had to go to bed early and i couldn't get to sleep and i was tired and i tried to get to sleep but i couldn't i got really frustrated but eventually fell asleep… i woke up with another spider in my mouth and tripped on my pile of washing and fell down the stairs and when i got my cereal but there was nothing but toast and peanut butter AND I HATE PEANUT BUTTER! it was going to be another TERRIBLE HORRIBLE NO GOOD VERY BAD DAY…


  1. That does sound like a really terrible day Mitchell. Very well written. Shall we have mushroom soup for tea tonight?

  2. sounds like you had a terrible horrible no good very bad day

    good writing [:-)


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